2023-04-21 07:06:56
1、每国庆节候各企事业单位都挂起灯笼或横幅用欢度庆等标语庆祝庆 Each festival when all enterprises and institutions are hang lanterns or banners with slogans such as celebrate celebrate Qing Qing全各行各业享受庆黄金周家共度美光 All walks of life to enjoy the celebration of golden week house for Micron国家自2012起庆期间高速公路向私家车免费通行 Countries since 2012 Qing period to the private car highway toll free最显著习俗要数庆阅兵通庆阅兵扬我威向世界展示我防力量 The most significant to the number of Qing Tong Qing customs parade parade Yang I Wei to show the world I anti force。